Our In – House Specialized Team Of Professionals Has Expertise In Following Fields:
1. Chartered Engineering Jobs;
2. Due-Diligence Reports;
3. Group Secretarial Jobs;
4. Industrial Cluster Development Programs;
5. Legal Matters Pertaining To Banking, Properties & Etc;
6. Lender’s Independent Engineer;
7. NPA Management;
8. Project Financial & Management;
9. Real Estate Development And Marketing;
10. Rural Development Programs;
11. Techno – Commercial Feasibility / Viability Reports; And
12. Valuation Reports For
A:- Land & Building
B:- Tangible Assets Like Plant & Machinery, Movable Properties, Misc. Fixed Assets Etc.
C:- Agriculture Land
D:- NPA Accounts
E:- Mergers And Acquisitions
F:- Stocks Etc.